While the language itself provides little assistance with handling character strings, the standard STRING FUNCTIONS (contained in TC's ANSI library) give C programmers the capability to manipulate strings easily. These functions are declared in string.h:
# include <string.h>
Strings in C are character arrays terminated with the null character '\0'. Since the name of an array is a pointer to the beginning of the array, most of the standard string functions accept a character pointer as an argument. A string constant is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. The null character is provided automatically and the constant is treated as an array name. Since C does not provide built-in array copying capability, the strcpy() function is used:
char str1[80];
strcpy(str1,"Hello, world!");
The strcpy() function copies each character of the string pointed to by its second argument to the corresponding element of the string pointed to by its first argument